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Install ROYA.HOMES’ App. (PWA)

Home  /  Install App. (PWA)

Our PWA (Progressive Web App) gives you a fast web experience on your computer or mobile device. You can install Roya.Homes’ PWA for faster access and additional functionality, like more storage for content to use offline.

Install Roya.Homes’ PWA on Android (Google Chrome / Firefox / Internet Explorer):
1- On your Android device, open your browser.
2- Go to “”.
3- There are two ways to do this:
-3-1- Tap Install and follow the on-screen instructions.
-3-2- Go to main browser menu (at the top right of screen) and choose "Install app".

PWAs in Android

Install Roya.Homes’ PWA on iOS and iPadOS:
1- On your IOS platform, open Safari.
2- Go to “”.
3- Choose the Share up-arrow at the bottom of the screen, and select Add to Home Screen.

PWAs in Android

Install Roya.Homes’ PWA on Windows:
1- On your computer, open Google Chrome / Firefox / Internet Explorer (Edge).
2- Go to “”.
3- At the top right of the address bar, click Install icon. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the PWA.

PWAs in Android

The ROYA HOMES’ PWA will show up on your home screen like all of your Apps. This screen icon represents the need to make your access to “” easily, even in offline mode.